About Coach Steve Yang

I help polyamorous and poly-curious people to be free and empowered in their relationships.

My Story Into Polyamory

The end of my marriage sent me into a whirlwind of questioning my identity, and then ultimately choosing what I wanted for myself. That’s when I read The Ethical Slut, which I later discovered is standard reading for anyone considering polyamory. Its core ideas made sense to me, so I decided to dive in.

My first experience in polyamory was a disaster full of crossed communications and unexpected bouts of jealousy. In the following years, I explored all different polyamorous dynamics, ranging from Strict Hierarchical Polyamory, to Relationship Anarchy read “What is Ethical Non-Monogamy?” for some definitions, and have settled on what works best for me. Just like any exploration, it will always be open to modification.

I have definitely had my fair share of good times and bad. I will use my knowledge and experience to help you distinguish which relationship style best suits you. For some, monogamy is the best choice. There are numerous skills that are finely developed in just the exploration of polyamory that are useful in all relationships.

The exploration of polyamory can be the access to gain the skills to live the life you have always wanted. Let me show you how.

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My Journey Into Coaching

Due to my success and positive outlook, people are often surprised by my less-than-ideal upbringing: my parents got divorced when I was five, I grew up in a physically- and emotionally- abusive household, and I was ostracized at school because of my race. My sister fell into addiction and an abusive relationship, and my father passed away before I had the chance to build an adult relationship with him.

My path to self-awareness and self-development began in the aftermath of my divorce. I set off on an intense introspection of who I am and what I want, first collecting books on philosophy, psychology, and religion, and then registering for self-development courses & programs. I focused on communication, interpersonal relationships, and personal responsibility. Through this training, I discovered how essential and fundamental these skills are, and the joy it brings me when I cause that illumination in someone else.

My training has allowed me to:

  • Finally have a fully loving, supportive, and authentic relationship with my mother after 35 years of frustration and blame, including ex-communicating her for 2 years.
  • Turn around his relationship with his sister, who was an addict in an abusive relationship. She is now sober and out of that relationship.
  • Meet a life partner that is the most loving, supportive, and communicative person I’ve ever met.

In addition to my coach training, I also bring 8 years’ experience as a teacher, including being a certified classroom teacher and qualified preschool instructor (in the State of California).

Now it is time to share these skills with the rest of the world. My specialty is Relationship Coaching for Polyamorous people because of:

  • My coach training in empowering people to have the lives they want,
  • My passion for loving and healthy relationships and communication, and
  • My personal experience with polyamory and ethical non-monogamy.

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Or Reach out at steve@coachsteveyang.com
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