Did you know you are in communication every waking second?

No really! That little voice in your head just now — isn’t that always there?
If you are not communicating with others, you are communicating with yourself.
Communication is the foundation for any human relationship — with your partner, family, friends, colleagues, and most importantly yourself.
When you transform your communication, you transform your life.

Hi, I’m Steve! And I’m a Communication Coach.
When you work with me 1-on-1, you get personal attention on any struggles in your life. We’ll get to the bottom of them, and find what’s blocking you from having a life you absolutely love.
YOU have the power to shape your life however you want. My job is to assist you in reconnecting with your own power by restoring your inner balance.
I offer workshops and classes designed to teach you how it feels to be balanced. They can be used as independent tools for your personal development or to complement 1-on-1 coaching with me.
One of the workshops I offer is Taichi Push Hands Workshop. By using physical movements to bring awareness, you can access your emotional state and learn how to maintain inner balance even in challenging situations.
About Me

The moment I love the most in my work is when my clients experience full acceptance — accepting themselves, their situations, and people around them as exactly what they are and what they are not.
At that moment, their face lights up with clarity and calmness takes over.
From that balanced state, I have seen numerous clients take powerful actions to change the course of their life and start shaping the life they want.

I have experiences and knowledge from:
- 9 years of Transformational Coaching
- 5 years as a Martial Arts Instructor; and decades of being a practitioner
- 5 years learning and studying kungfu in China
With these diverse experiences, I’m ready to support you overcome any challenges you are facing right now.
Latest Blogs

Taichi Secrets Part 3: Recognizing Opportunities & Taking Effective Action
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What Teaching Kids has Taught Me about Having an Impact on the World
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Why Your Strategies Aren’t Working
At 9:00am sharp, a trainee and potential buyer walk into a real estate investor’s office with a proud smile on their face. They sit at the investor’s desk. The investor asks the ...